Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Post Virginity...... TAKEN!

Hey, whoever you are! Thanks for visiting my blog! Actually, since I can't afford a professional website (I am just starting this business up, after all), this isn't so much a "blog" as it is an "outlet". But, all that aside, Welcome! On this here section of the intertubes you'll be able to view my work on custom console art. I only two projects currently finished, and the third (which happens to be my first.... long story) is almost done.

Well, how about a little history on how I got into this? It started when my original Mario Kart red DS started to go on the fritz. It was out of warranty, so I figured "What the heck, why not paint it?" So I grabbed the black Rustoleum primer and went at it. It went through several phases before I deemed it "done". I hand painted the logo from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (sans crown-thingy... does that thing have a name?) on the cover, and left the red plastic showing through for the lettering. After a bit I decided that I wanted to go further, and so I took the DS apart. Well, while I had it apart the battery decided to officially call it quits on me. Seeing as it's nigh impossible to get and old DS battery, I was left with a rather nice looking Nintendo paperweight. Thus my adventures began.

My friend was kind enough to give me his old DS, which I successfully customized without borking. I later was sent another DS by a friend, who paid me to customize it. And so I thought, "Well, she paid me; and other people get paid all the time for this kind of thing; so why can't I?"

Which brings us to now. I have successfully customized two Nintendo DS systems, and had one die of natural causes during operations. BUT, I plan to fix it. I just decided last night that I want to continue to refine the design, and after a quick search on ebay found numerous DS phats that are ready to be organ donors. Once that's done, I may give it to my friend in payment of the DS he gave me, or (if he happens to buy a DSi) I may sell it. And that's that.

So, to wrap this rather lengthy post up, enjoy the site, look at my work, and send me some feedback. Don't like the background? Let me know. Think I can push a certain aspect of my work further? Leave a comment. Want some custom work done? Contact me with what you want done. Enjoy!

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